Bulagro Group Srl.

Company: Bulagro Group Srl.
CEO: Hristofor Bоunardjiev
Email: h.bunardzhiev@bulagro.com ; office@bulagro.com
Phone: 042-600 171, 600 172
Website: www.bulagro.bg
Address: Stara Zagora
The company was registered in 1989 and it gradually developed and expanded the range of its services. The entire investment portfolio was united in 2007 in the holding structure BULAGRO GROUP.
BULAGRO GROUP operates in the following areas:
– BULAGRO AD – the first company from the group. It is specialized in trading of plant protection products, fertilizers, seeds, agricultural insirance and specialized consultation. Fifteen sales representatives with agricultural education cover the whole country and are always in service of our customers;
– BULAGRO MACHINES AD – a company with more than ten years of presence on the market of agricultural machines in Bulgaria. It is involved in selling and after-sales service of machines from world leading brands, such as Pottinger, Hardi, Mascar, Schäffer Lader. The developed trade and service network of the company covers all regions if Bulgaria;
– BULOIL EOOD – supply of fuel and lubricants for agricultural machinery;
– BULAGRO ZEMYA EOOD – the newest company from the group was created in 2007, with the main purpose of renting agricultural land near the village of Yazdach, Stara Zagora district, used for testing new hybrids, technologies and machines. In 2013 the company invested in a modern seed preparation factory.
Megatron Srl
Company: Megatron EAD
CEO: Iftah Shacham
Email: IS@megatron.bg
Phone: 02 975 15 55
Website: www.megatron.bg
Address: Sofia, 127 Iztochna tangenta Str.
Megatron is the official representative of world renowned manufacturers of agricultural, construction, golf and garden equipment and attachments. Founded in 1998 and since then is an official distributor for Bulgaria of high quality agricultural equipment brand John Deere.
Executive Director of Megatron is Mr. Shaham Iftah. John Deere American company was founded in 1837 by blacksmith named John Deere, who invented the first self-cleaning plow. The company is constantly evolving and a small forge shop to grow to a large corporation with 39 plants worldwide, which today employs approximately 56,000 people. John Deere continues to be a leading company in the world and all these years was guided by four simple human principle of its founder: integrity, innovation, quality and responsibility.
In 1999, Megatron contract with French company Kuhn and became its official representative. Established back in 1828 today Kuhn is a leading manufacturer of attachments. Is another foreign partner is Geringhoff – the best European producer of composite Crop corn and sunflower. Our company is from 2008 and the Czech company Strom, specializing in the production of rotary engines for tractors with power to 600 hp
In 2007, Megatron dealer signed a contract with U.S. company Bobcat, which is a manufacturer of univeraslni machines indispensable in all kinds of activities, both in construction and farm – wheel loaders, excavators, telescopic handlers, a wide range of working bodies and original parts. Since the summer of 2009, our company is a distributor of Bobcat in Bulgaria.
Megatron offers its clients not just selling machines and modern technology for farming, which guarantee high performance, quality and reliability. Each machine purchased by the company is backed by after sales support and service. Our qualified engineers who regularly undergo training courses in the John Deere University Bobcat University and are ready to respond to every call. For the convenience of our customers, Megatron has several bases and store in the country where you can buy genuine parts, clothing, accessories, and equipment serviced them when necessary.
Headquarters of the company is in Sofia, and our mobile service engineers cover the southwestern and northwestern Bulgaria. In 2009, Megatron opened a new trade and service center near Pleven, which obluzhva customers in the region and central northern Bulgaria. In the Rouse Company has a shop for original parts and a mobile team of engineers who care about the condition of machinery in this region. Our subsidiary company Megatron Service SA is located in Dobrich and is available to our customers in northeastern Bulgaria. The new base in Yambol covers the southeastern part of our country and our mobile teams in Plovdiv caring for machines to our customers in central southern Bulgaria.
Zlatex Ltd.
Company: Zlatex Ltd.
General Manager: Neco Minev
Email: office@zlatex.net
Phone: 042 / 919700
Website: www.zlatex.com
Address: Stara Zagora, №52 Patriarh Evtimii blvd.
ZLATEX Ltd. was founded in 1991 to satisfy the needs of Bulgarian agricultural producers for machines, spare parts, consumptives, service-station and other services. During the past years the company has earned a priceless experience in assuring the newest technologies in the modern agriculture, has reached an exquisite quality of service and offers high – technology machines to its clients. All these years made of ZLATEX Ltd. one of the leading suppliers of agricultural machines, specialized agricultural technic, inventory, spare parts and technologies.
In years of a strong competition offering the company keeps expanding its product nomenclature, aiming to optimize and offer an economic profitable package for effective agriculture of worldwide known producers and brands. ZLATEX Ltd. is an official importer and presents to the Bulgarian market the leading companies in this branch.
The flagman of the company is FENDT Germany. The beginning of tractor producing has begun in 1930, when the first little tractor with 6 h.p. was built. Then was the company motto created – building trustful machinery with new technical decisions for its most exacting clients. This hasn’t been changed ever since. Today more than ever the brand FENDT stands behind the innovative technologies. Plenty internal and international distinctions prove the acknowledged innovation power of FENDT. The technical progress goes by together with the increase of the capacity, the quality of work and the economy of the machines of the brand FENDT. More than 75 years of building quality of product and traditions were needed to lead to the nowadays product FENDT 939 VARIO with 396 h.p. and also to FENDT TRISIX with the impressive for a wheel tractor 540 h.p.
The flagman of the company is FENDT Germany. The beginning of tractor producing has begun in 1930, when the first little tractor with 6 h.p. was built. Then was the company motto created – building trustful machinery with new technical decisions for its most exacting clients. This hasn’t been changed ever since. Today more than ever the brand FENDT stands behind the innovative technologies. Plenty internal and international distinctions prove the acknowledged innovation power of FENDT. The technical progress goes by together with the increase of the capacity, the quality of work and the economy of the machines of the brand FENDT. More than 75 years of building quality of product and traditions were needed to lead to the nowadays product FENDT 1050 VARIO with 517 h.p. and also to Vario-transmission crawler tractors, new generation harvesters Ideal and complete green line for livestock breeders.
FENDT – ZLATEX Ltd. is the official and exclusive importer for the territory of Bulgaria for the most qualified worldwide producer of an agricultural machines FENDT Germany. The full product range includes tractors – wheeled and tracked, combine, bailers, self-propelled sprayers, mowers, haymakers, trailers. The company provides authorized service and delivery of original spare parts.
VALTRA – ZLATEX Ltd. is an official importer of the Finnish tractor manufacturer with capacity from 75 up to 405 horsepower. The choice and handling of VALTRA tractors brings benefits in terms of comfort and profit that lasts for this investment. Valtra is easy to buy and easy to maintain. It has low operating costs for its owners. Every year, over 23,000 Valtra tractors are produced worldwide to reach customers in 5 continents. Because it is well known that when you want the job to be done – take Valtra – your working machine!
MANITOU – ZLATEX Ltd. is the official importer for Bulgaria of the French manufacturer of lifting equipment MANITOU, offering a wide range of telescopic loaders produced and designed especially for all agricultural activities with a large engine output range of 75 h.p. up to 145 h.p., lifting height from 5 m to 10 m and lifting capacity from 2500 kg to 6000 kg.
RABE – ZLATEX Ltd. is the exclusive importer for Bulgaria for the quality German trailed technic RABE – ploughs – mounted and trailed, sowers for autumn and spring sow, compactors, cultivators, underground digger, active mills and disk harrows.
KERNER – ZLATEX Ltd. is an official importer for the German manufacturer of soil cultivation and sowing machines KERNER. Ensure precision sowing, regardless of climatic conditions.
KRONE – ZLATEX Ltd. is the exclusive importer for the German producer of collecting machines KRONE. Silage reapers, straw presses, mowers, hay collectors, self-loading and dosing trailers, as well as everything for the stock-raising.
RAUCH – ZLATEX Ltd. is the exclusive importer for the German manufacturer of fertiliser spreader RAUCH. The product range includes mounted fertiliser spreader from 900 l to 4000 l and working width from 18 to 50 meters. RAUCH is awarded with multiple innovations and gold medals at each world exposition.
KNOCHE – ZLATEX Ltd. is the exclusive importer of the German manufacturer of disc harrows, groomers, cultivators and sealing rollers in a wide range of working latitudes with guaranteed quality of Germany.
SOLA – ZLATEX Ltd. is the official importer of the Spanish manufacturer of high-quality seeders for exact seeding with and without fertilizer, from 4 to 24 rows. The seeders SOLA are characterized with extremely strong frame which is a guarantee for long life of the machine.
CAFFINI – ZLATEX Ltd. is the exclusive importer for the Italian manufacturer of sprayers(fan, rod, vine, specialized) – mounted, trailed and self-propelled. From 400 l to 5000 l and shoulders from 12 – 36 meters.
HAWE – ZLATEX Ltd. is the exclusive importer for the German manufacturer HAWE. The company portfolio includes load – and – unload trailers, transport silage trailers, fertilizer trailers and scattered trailers.
FARMTECH – ZLATEX Ltd. is the exclusive importer for the territory of Bulgaria of the Slovenian producer of single-axle, double-axle, three-axle and tandem tipping trailers, universal vehicles and manure spreaders with the brand FARMTECH – a guarantee for state-of-the-art products with high customer benefits and excellent quality.
RAVEN – ZLATEX Ltd. is the exclusive importer for the American manufacturer of navigation systems control RAVEN – a brand, that has earned international reputation for agricultural innovations, with highest liability and work precision and has over 70 % market share in the USA.
OEST – ZLATEX Ltd. is an official importer of lubricating products – oils, greases, lubricants and other specialized products of the German manufacturer Georg Oest Mineralolwerk GmbH. Over 500 products per customer and user. OEST Gruppe is a standard of high professional competence through individually designed products.
General Manager: Iliana Lefterova
Email: i.lefterova@iritrade.com
Phone: +359 28 54 80 70
Website: www.iritrade.com
Address: 1404 Sofia; Manastirski meadows B; bl. 65, Eurocenter
Over 15 years, dedicated to the modern agriculture!
Iri Trade was founded in 2003 dealing with sales and service of large-scale agricultural machinery, with headfquarters in the city of Sofia. From its foundation, the CEO of the company is Iliyana Lefterova.
Since 2007 IRI TRADE JSC is the official representative for Bulgaria of the renowned trademark DEUTZ-FAHR, which is one of the leading manufacturers of self-propelled agricultural machinery. Deutz-Fahr is the successor of the Motorenfabrik N.A. Otto & Cie “by the father of the four-stroke engine
Nikulaus Otto. The production list includes the entire range of agricultural machinery:
∙ Harvesters
∙ Tractors with different power and purpose
∙ Specialized tractors for viticulture and fruit growing
∙ Closed processing lines for silage collection and collection
∙ Lifting and loading equipment.
That’s why we also offer:
For plant growing:
KOEKERLING – proven German quality – direct seeders, stubble and pre-sowing cultivators, disc harrows.
OVERUM – a proven Swedish quality plow manufacturer – a company with 365 year history,.
SFOGGIA – seed drills for autumn, trench cultivators, seed drills and vegetable growing equipment.
BARGAM – self-propelled, mounted and trailed sprayers.
STOLL – wheel loaders and attachments for them.
GRIMME – specialized harvester and self-propelled potato harvesting equipment.
Opall-Agri – plows and cultivators
IRTEC – irrigation systems
CHECCHI MAGLI – specialized equipment for vegetable growing
Partners of IRI TRADE for Livestock:
– GEA (Global Engineering Association) – GEA is one of the largest manufacturers of food processing machinery and a wide range of products for other industries. The company has an annual turnover of 4.6 billion euros.
We offer complete design and equipment for livestock farms.
– JEANTIL – specialized equipment for feeding animals, spreading of dry and slurry manure.
– FIMAKS – a green line for silage preparation, feeding equipment, spreading of dry and slurry manure.
The sales and service complexes of the company are located in the following cities: Dobrich, Rousse, Yambol, Vratsa, Sofia, Pleven, Stara Zagora, Silistra and Kyustendil. More than 65 specialists work in the service centers, undergoing periodic qualification courses at the companies manufacturing the equipment.
IRI TRADE JSC has developed a system for express diagnostic of damage and delivery of the necessary spare parts within 24 hours.
The company offers at all its centers full service, spare parts and special oils for automotive, construction and agricultural machinery.

Company: INTERAGRI Bulgaria Jsc
CEO: Daniel Minev
Phone: 0876646455; 0700 46 666
Website: www.interagri.bg
Facebook: facebook.com/interagri.bg
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/interagri-bulgaria-ad/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6cUddCpxEXOKDLgwyk1Q9w
Address: Sofia, Interagri Bulgaria JSC, 64 Hristofor Kolumb Blvd., building A2, Office 011, 1992 Sofia
INTERAGRI Bulgaria JSC was founded in 2013. Nowadays INTERAGRI is one of the leading companies in the country for consulting and offering agricultural equipment, attachments, spare parts, and service.
INTERAGRI Bulgaria is exclusive importer of NEW HOLLAND agricultural and construction equipment for the country. With over 120 years of tradition and proven technological superiority, as the winner of 3 consecutive Guinness Records, New Holland is a well-known and preferred brand for agricultural machinery, both worldwide and in Bulgaria. Aiming to provide quality complex business solutions for its customers, the company also represents well-known premium brands for attachments – Kinze, Bednar, Clemens, Rauch, Brantner, Kongskilde, MacDon etc.
KINZE – the brand is an undisputed leader and an expert in the spring planters for more than 50 years. The exceptionally specialized brand was made by farmers for farmers. That is why KINZE offers various types of planters for the different farms that will guarantee up to 96-98% precision in planting with a working speed of over 10 km/h.
BEDNAR is a progressive manufacturer of agricultural machinery specializing in the production of machines for soil treatment, sowing, fertilization and pruning.
Founded in 1921, RAUCH guarantees quality and innovation in the field of fertilization technology, relying on reliability and long life of its products used worldwide. Over 150 patents, as well as numerous awards at leading national and international trade fairs testify to the continuous innovations of the company.
In addition to the listed brands, INTERAGRI Bulgaria also offers its customers a full range of premium manufacturers products, such as viticulture and fruit German implements by CLEMENS, BRANTNER high-quality trailers, mechanical seeders KONGSKILDE, high quality headers MacDon and etc.
INTERAGRI Bulgaria strives to build long-term partnership relationships with its customers by offering integrated business solutions for agriculture with guaranteed highly qualified service in the commercial and service network throughout the country.
Stoychevi 57-62 LTD
Company: Stoychevi 57-62 LTD
CEO: Stoycho Stoyanov
Email: office@stoychevi.com
Phone: 058/ 667 956
Website: www.stoychevi.com
Address: Dobrich, Op.Dimitar Kovachev str. № 67
We do not have Customers – We have Partners!
Since the beginning of its activity, “Stoychevi 57 62” LTD is aspiring to answer adequately the needs and expectations of the Bulgarian grower. Our equal partners are both the agricultural co-operatives, the private agricultural managers as well as large-scale lease societies.
Bulgarian agricultural reforms and the process of adaptation to the world’s standards motivate us offer to our partners European and US high technology, applicable to the history-based experience and traditions of the Bulgarian farming.
Efficiency – main factor for agricultural new deal in Bulgaria
“Stoychevi 57-62” LTD is offering a solution to one of the biggest problems throughout the Bulgarian agricultural branch – the machinery depot amortization. Replacing the old farming machines is inevitable, especially closing the integration process of Bulgaria into the Common European Market.
The company is developing on the base of mutual co-operation with European and US firms – leaders in agricultural equipment production. Our strong desire is to present and offer the best models out of the rich assortment of specialized equipment. It is not accidental, that the wide range of machinery we offer holds the leadership position throughout the highly competitive markets, like in France, USA, Germany, Poland Czech Republic any many others. This success is a result of an aspiration after quality and tendencies towards continuous perfection.
The machinery we offer fulfils growers’ expectations based on their wide range of financial capabilities – beginning from most modern and highly productive machines for large-scale lease societies, up to relatively cheap machines and equipment designed for farmers cultivating up to a few hundreds of hectares.

Managing director: Maria Prohaska
Email: kubota@kubota-bg.com
Phone: +359 2 828 13 02; +359 884 390 798
Website: www.kubota-bg.com
Address: Sofia, 46 Chervena stena Str.
Kubota Bulgaria /KBBG OOD/ is exclusive and sole importer of the world famous Japanese brand Kubota for Bulgaria. Part of the corporation’s product range is presented on the Bulgarian market – tractors, attached implements, self-propelled mowers and high-terrain vehicles with the Kubota brand.
The Kubota compact series includes tractors in the power range from 12 to 62k.s. https://kubota-bg.com/traktori-do-60-k-s/
Kubota M series tractors range in power from 66 to 170 hp. https://kubota-bg.com/traktori-nad-60-k-s/
Kubota, through its subsidiary company Kvernerland, offers a full line of attached implements with the brand Kubota https://kubota-bg.com/prikachen-inventar/
The portfolio also includes a wide variety of professional Kubota self-propelled mowers with power from 14 to 38 hp. https://kubotagreentech-bg.com/samohodni-kosachki/
Kubota also offers a multi-purpose RTV vehicle with a power of 24 hp. suitable for a variety of applications.
The central office is located in Sofia, and the company works with a dealer network throughout the country.
For more information: https://kubota-bg.com/dilari-adresi/

Company: Titan Machinery Bulgaria
Managing Director: Svilen Lozanov
Email: office@titanmachinery.bg
Phone: +359 2 971 35 25
Website: titanmachinery.bg
Address: Sofia, Botevgradsko Shousse Blvd. 455
Titan Machinery Bulgaria EAD is a leader on the Bulgarian market in the sale of high-tech machines for agriculture and construction. The owner of the company is Titan Machinery Inc. – the largest CNH dealer worldwide.
Titan Machinery is the official importer of CASE IH tractors and combines, a wide range of implements of the leading brands VÄDERSTAD, MACDON, ANNABURGER and AGRIFAC self-propelled sprayers. In parallel, it also markets road construction equipment under the Case Construction brand.
The company has an established network of sales and service offices in the cities of Sofia (head-office), Stara Zagora, Montana, Pleven, Dobrich, Ruse, Shumen and Burgas.
Titan Machinery has built a team of highly qualified specialists in the field of sales and after-sales service, providing the best solutions to its customers.

Company: Animex
CEO: Georgi Genchev
E-mail: office@animex.bg
Phone: 042/603118; 0899112883
Website: www.animex.bg
Address: Stara Zagora, 1B Radost Str.
“Animex Ltd. Is dedicated to providing quality in agriculture and maximum satisfaction of our clients needs.”
“The best people, providing optimal solutions for the Bulgarian Farmer.”
Business Values:
Customer Focus – We create excellent solutions for our customers by carefully listening to their needs and exceeding their expectations.
Integrity is a key aspect to our success.
We are responsive and transparent to our workers, clients and partners.
We take responsibility on our actions and we work to our values to defend our reputation.
All our workers are vital for the success of our company.
We provide the opportunities, trainings and support in order to create the most highly trained spretsialists.
We value, respect and are committed to our employees and their development in the company.
We encourage creative and innovative thinking of our employees and strive to continually improve our services.
The foundation of our business is to offer first class services and solutions to our customers.
We work to understand our customers and their needs, and we believe that quality of service creates loyal customers.
ET Statev – Stanimir Nedialkov
Managing Director: Nedyalko Statev
Email: sales@statev.info
Phone: 0884951979 0886099399
Address: Dobrich
Varex Ltd
Company: Varex Ltd
General manager: Elisaveta Markova
Email: elisaveta.markova@varex.bg
Phone: *7007; 02/9309970
Website: www.varex.bg
Address: Sofia, 8 Paris street
The company has been established in 1993 year with partners Elisaveta Markova, Ivan Maslarov and Georgi Pankov. It’s specialized in supply and realization of agricultural technique for the Bulgarian market. What is priority in the development of company’s activity is the professional attitude to the specific needs of every customer.
Not just technique is offered, but a complete decision for agriculture. The delivered machines are high qualified and correspond to the last trends in the development of agricultural technique. The machines correspond to the environment requirements – protecting the soil from pollution and etc.
Varex’s mission is to supply serious machines, to do serious service and to create serious partnership for years forward.
Basic partners of “VAREX” are world known companies:
CHALLENGER (part of AGCO) – USA – tractors, crops-harvesters, sprayers and etc.
MASSEY FERGUSON (part of AGCO) – Italy, France – crops-harvesters, traktors from 69hp – 400hp. balers, telehandlers
LAVERDA (part of AGCO) – Italy – crops-harvesters, rice combines, altoleveling combines to 40%
GREAT PLAINS – UK – combined soil-cultivating machines
FELLA – Germany – green line machinery
LEMKEN – Germany – ploughs, stubble cultivators, seedbed cultivators, drills, sprayers and etc.
SEPPI.M – Italy – small-peaces breakers for agricultural and wood economies and landschaft – building
GASPARDO – Italy – specialising in the production of agricultural machinery for tillage, seeding, haying, landscaping and crop care, minimum tillage equipment and sparying equipment
GUSTROWER – Germany – chaser bin, Injection technology and etc.
PEZZOLATO – Italy – disc chippers – to reduce the volume of large heaps of green or dry material, including logs and branches, Chipping machines – reduce the volume of felled wood, Drum chippers – Drum chippers can obtain large volumes of chipped material
KESLA – Finland – forest machine cranes, tractor forest equipment, harvester heads, chippers, grapples, truck and stationary cranes
GALUCHO – Portugal- disk harrows
KURT – Turkey – planters and cultivators
AGREX – Italy – fertilizers
FANTINI – Italy – header
CEO: Plamen Bogoev
Email: rapid.office@rapidkb.com
Phone: тел.: 02/ 400 80 10
Website: www.claas.bg
Address: Sofia, 143 Okolovrasten pat
The company RAPID KB Ltd. was established in 1990 in Sofia and is managed by Mr. Plamen Bogoev.
RAPID KB is the official importer of the top manufacturers CLAAS and AMAZONE and is one of the leaders on the market of agricultural machinery in Bulgaria.
The success and excellent reputation the company is a result of a strong and united team, wide network of branches and distributors in the country, as well as the constant availability of original spare parts and the fast and competent after sales service.
The headquarters of RAPID KB Ltd. is in Sofia. The company has branches in the cities of Russe, Dobrich, Stara Zagora and Montana, as well as dealers all over the country.
RAPID KB and its dealers offer a wide range of after sales services for the clients which include an official qualified service for all machines, as well as the timely delivery of original spare parts. The employees of RAPID KB attend regularly sales and service trainings to increase their qualification and competence.
In addition to regularly taking part in fairs and exhibitions in the country, RAPID KB organizes seminars in cooperation with schools, universities and institutions of higher education and institutes from the field of agriculture. The company is in close contact with its clients and keeps them up to date with the latest technologies and innovations, arranging numerous field demonstrations in the country and factory visits abroad.
RAPID KB Ltd. has a flexible organizational structure which corresponds to the current market requirements and attracts competent specialists.
The continuously growing sales and service network is well distributed in all parts of the country and is a solid basis for the present and future success of RAPID KB on the Bulgarian market for agricultural machinery.
Opticom Ltd.
Company: Opticom Ltd.
General manager: Veselin Genev
Email: vgenev@opticom-bg.com
Phone: 042/ 600 156; 070020205; 0887 648 912
Website: www.opticom-bg.com
Address: Stara Zagora, Tzar Simeon Veliki Blvd. 1-A
Along with care and optimal solutions for your farm!
OPTICOM was founded in 1991 with main activity – import, wholesale and retail trade in the country with agricultural machinery, spare parts, maintenance services and repairs. The headquarters, the main demonstration and service center and the main shop and parts warehouse is based in Stara Zagora, and the company has developed sales and service network in Dobrich, Razgrad, Ruse, Pavlikeni, Pleven, Montana, Plovdiv, Haskovo, Yambol and Karnobat. In Bourgas and Harmanli shops for spare parts and consumables for agro-machinery are located.
OPTICOM provides farmers with technological solutions and agricultural machinery for all types of agricultural operations according to specific need and financial capacity and maintain in working order machinery to customers.
Thanks to its extensive experience and numerous loyal and satisfied customers, the company is a leader in the marketing of agricultural machinery and has a substantial share of the Bulgarian market for agricultural machinery, services and spare parts.
OPTICOM is the exclusive representative for Bulgaria of:
* ARGO Tractors S.p.A., Italy since 1998 (LANDINI and McCORMICK tractors);
* JCB Agriculture , UK since 2006 (tractors JCB Fastrac, telescopic loadall, compact and mini loaders, wheel loading shovels, light towers and generators JCB);
* Rostselmash, Russia since 2017 (grain harvesters and forage harvesters)
* RIBOULEAU MONOSEM, France since 1999 (planters and cultivators MONOSEM);
* SULKY-BUREL, France (seed drill seeders and spreaders SULKY);
* OVLAC S.A, Spain (ploughs);
* KUHN, France (sprayers)
and partner of many leading producers of agricultural machinery and equipment.